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The entire Comp went off with out a hitch.

Running for the very first time on lake Wanaka, ParatowNZ and their awesome boat "Waypoint" pulled off 5 solid days of Acrofest qualifying rounds, accuracy landings  and fun tows.

The finalists were choppered up above the festival for an epic showdown!

Speed Flying

It was a weeklong Paradise for speed freaks far and wide.

Countless hikes were made to Mt. Coromandel, where breath taking flights took place into the festival.

Jamie Lee coached his heart out to the super keen cravers of skill...

The Speed Flying Boogie was an absolute dream. 23 Pilots lapped an epic line at Mt. Caitriana over looked by the beast, Mt Cook. 


An incredible feat and a dream come true. 

The NZPF and Blue Sky Skydiving rallied forces to create something that had never been done before!

Fun jumps with a private plane, directly into a brand new DZ right in the heart of Magic Land!

Jumps happened every day over the weeklong festivities. 

The Giant Flag jumped not once but twice on account of it being absolutely mind blowing!

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